The project is focused on three aspects of research and we follow different techniques in the field and laboratory: Archaeology: This part of the program involves archaeological excavations in different types of architecture in Huamparán; our goal for the student is to learn to identify stratigraphic layers, be able to fully fill out an excavation form and improve archaeological drawing and recording. It will also include survey to sites around the valley. We will examine different material recovered during the present and past seasons (ex.pottery, lithics). Bio-archaeology: This part consists of mapping and recovering human remains from funeral structures located In Huamparan (to excavate) and the sites surrounded. This part includes drawing/mapping of funeral structures/ caves, techniques of bone recovering, and identification of taphonomy process in human remains. No previous experience is required. Laboratory: analysis of human remains from Marcajirca site and sites surveyed. The bone analyses are performed in order to obtain biological data from the remains recovered by students themselves during the current season or from previous excavations. At least 2 days or 16 hours full lab will be provided with a dedicated instructor. The lab involves instructor and two students. All the participants in the team will rotate between different parts of research so that everyone gets to try everything. However, based on progress and skill for determined areas or preferences, if a participant chooses to work only in one area, it may be considered, keeping in mind that the number of students is manageable by a supervisor or instructor for that area. In order for participants to get introduced to and get involved with Peruvian archaeology, we lecture at the Project Lab-House in Huari, using PowerPoint Exposition. We especially focus on subjects such as Funerary Patterns in The Andes, Mummies and Bio-anthropological context in Pre-Columbian Cultures, Cranial Modification and Trepanations.


Field school's sexual harassment policy as submitted

Huari-Ancash BioArchaeological Project strives to provide a place of work and study free of sexual harassment, intimidation or exploitation. Where sexual harassment has occurred, the project will act to stop the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and discipline and/or take other appropriate action against those responsible.

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Site programming and administration: Ed Hagen, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University